Nov 17, 2010

11 weeks

With the date that we are currently aiming for as June 6, I am now 11 weeks & 2 days along. Crazy to think the lil' tyke is as big as a Large Plum (2.5 in, .5 oz). Weighing myself I have lost 5 pounds now, yet with my uterus the size of a large grapefruit I'm starting to slightly poke. I know I was not a lil' miss skinny-minnie before, but I didn't used to poke out this much.. lol. It may be too soon to speak of showing .. but to Heck with it ;).

Trying on cheap'o long sleeves that I desperately needed, I was kind of bummed out to see that I looked chubbier. I couldn't tell if I was just gaining chubs from eating every 2 hours, or if I was starting to show. All weekend I couldn't stop trying to suck in, but realized the whole sucking in ain't cutting it anymore..

Monday (Nov 15) was kind of a rocky day. I got to work & a few friends mentioned they could see some prego belly starting. It makes me kind of excited to see how my body will take the stretching & pulling, but I was definitely feeling a little off. All day I had felt strange rumbling in my tummy, & couldn't stop trying to figure out if I was hungry or upset tummy or what. My friend has had a couple kids, asked if it felt like weird air bubbles. I told her yes and she got all excited & said the weird rumbling feeling is my baby moving. WHAT? SERIOUSLY?! The lil' plum bum is moving? Already?... hmmm. I have yet to confirm it, but that's such a fun thought. Everything I've read said it's to the point where joints are able to extend.. and if they're anything like their Daddy it'll have CRAZY LONG arms & legs. I guess that was a bit much for my body that day to get used to cuz nothing sounded good, yet I felt hungry. I was pretty a-ok until later that night. I hate staying up too late cuz that means I have to eat again. Since I was up past 8:30 I dreadfully had to walk upstairs to the kitchen and find something that sounded ok. Opening the freezer I saw my mom's Sugar Free Rocky Road ice cream, well of course that sounds delicious and I haven't really indulged too much, so I took a small bowl full.

My tummy got upset as I was trying to sleep, the last few nights Alex has been a sweet heart & has had to tickle my arms & neck to put me to sleep while feeling nauseous. It's actually been working, but Monday night was not a typical easy going night either. I finally had to jump out of bed & didn't quite make it to the bathroom. Darn it! I have now gotten sick twice... I was hoping to go through it again.. but yup. Poor Alex does not have a strong stomach for 'sick' time.. if he hears, thinks, smells, sees.. he's a gonner. Luckily my mom happened to be down stairs to turn on the light & find me in a fragile state. Alex attempted, but walked right out and started gagging.. I felt really bad. So my mom helped me straighten things up, I'm so lucky to have her!! Ok... so that may have been too much info.. but you could have skimmed over that if you wanted. Not my fault! lol ;).

Luckily I have great boss that's understanding & was able to go into work late Tuesday. I stayed after to make up time that I missed. I'm seeming great lately & hope that my belly keeps growing & I continue to feel the lil stoutie-pie. I know.. everyone keeps telling me to enjoy the non belly while I can, cuz it will get more and more uncomfortable. But I am Jill. I am curious chica. Alex and I keep saying how curious we are to see what it'll look like.. if it'll be a boy or a girl.. Who it'll look more like.. If it'll be lucky enough to have redhair & freckles.. or his gorgeous eye lashes.. I'm so lucky to have him as a Daddy to my baby.

It's fun to have a pregnancy journal to fill out every night with Alex & have this blog to type out my thoughts and experiences. I hope it's ok that I'm kinda rambling off about it.. but hey it's my lil' space in the universe to do so right?


Leslie and Matthew Bybee said...

haha your so funny! I love your ramblings that is all my blog is too! My belly is starting to poke too (although nobody else will admit it) we need to go to lunch so we can see eachothers "bellies" haha.

Bailey x 4 said...

Love your blog! Looking forward to sharing in your adventures :)