Mar 11, 2010

Surgery # Uno

On 2/17 I had Surgery on Both Wristt (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) & Elbow (Cubital Tunnel Syndrome). I've had the symptoms for over 2 years now, it's just gotten worse & worse. I couldn't take it anymore & finally got a 2nd Opinion & yay!! Surgery! During Surgery my Dr found a mysterious Extra Muscle, which is very rare. He had to dysect it by cutting it in half & moving it around to give my nerve room... It made total sense to me why my Elbow is funky feeling. I was put on Perkisets.. YUCK :p. They made me Wide Awake but grossly sick feeling. I started taking less & less when I could til I got to 1/4.. then Zero. Trust me, plenty left. lol. I wasn't getting much sleep when you mix Medicine that wakes you up.. Plus getting sick of laying in one position lol. Every time I got the Chills it felt like Static Electricity was tap dancing on my elbow :). Alex & I went to a lot of movies.. and I mean A LOT. Stupidly enough we went to thrillers & I am a jumpy person... So needless to say I hurt myself quite a bit.
I got my Cast off Last Tuesday & my arm felt like a cheeseball puppet. It took me a while to be able to move my hand & elbow so well, but it is getting better. I can type & such, so that's good. It's just hard for me to cook, clean, mostly grip things still.
I started work this Monday after about 3 weeks. I tell ya.. going to bed at 3am, and having to do a 180 to waking up at 4:45am is Hard Work!! I used to have no issue, but I'm hoping to get back in the mode soon :). It hasn't been that bad though, it's a great place to work so it definitely helps.. Now I'm just going to work hard to build our Bank Account back up & Save up for Surgery # Dose on my Left Arm.. :/ Probly going to wait for August though, we'll see.. Although it's pretty poopy now, I'm just super excited to: Play Piano; Draw; Paint; & ROCKBAND!!
I am so lucky to have Alex because he has taken such great care of me! Not only did he give me baths, but he Shampoo&Conditioned my hair, Blow Dried it; Straighten it; & shave me arm pits ;) I can't believe how lucky I am to have that Studly! I will miss spending 22 hours together, (school). He is a Complete Hoot & Awesome Caregiver!!

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